How to take care of your suit

How to take care of your suit

1424147338108Treat your suit with love and respect and it will return the favor when the time comes to wear it. Suits should be hung, on a quality hanger, in a space where air can circulate.

Make sure your suit is aired-out and clean before putting it away. Herewith, some long-term storage tips.

Invest in a hanger

Your jacket may have come with a plastic hanger, but you should spring for a well-made wooden suit hanger. These have a substantial shape to the shoulder and arch forward slightly, which supports and maintains the shape of your jacket’s.

Cover it up 


Your suit does not need to be bagged. And it certainly does not need to kept zipped up in an air tight plastic bag. But if you are worried about dust, pests or other closet debris, then a canvas garment bag will keep your suit clean while letting it breathe, which is good for both cotton and wool fabrics.

Keep pants wrinkle free


The last thing you want, is to pull out your suit and find that your pants have been rumpled at the bottom of that suit bag for the past three months. If you are not keeping your suit in a bag, felted clamp hangers (clamped at the hem of the pants) will ensure a smooth finish.

If you are keeping your suit together in a bag, then employ the “Savile Row fold.” Developed decades ago by London’s best suit tailors. Grab the pants by the legs and fold one through the hanger until the hem reaches the crotch.

Finish by folding the second leg similarly over the first.

How to improve your suit with few essentials

How to improve your suit with few essentials


A real gentleman often wears a suit. It is the most classic and impressive way for a man to look dashing.

But when you suit up, yo need to pay attention to the details to look styling, and it only takes a few accessories to take your suit appeareance from the ordinary office employer look to a next level womanizer Don Draper look-a-like.

And it does not cost much more, to look more dashing, yo can get them for low prices on the internet and in your local departement store.

1. Metal collar stays


These makes your dress collar stay up sharp and you will not get the collar woes. You can get them from the internet fro less than 10 dollars and you should go for those with magnets for your collar for the best look.

2. Pocket square


You should not wear a suit without a pocket square. All the stylish men wears a pocket square when rocking a suit. From Don Draper to Kanye West – and of course James Bond.

3. A great shirt


The pocket square makes your shirt and overall style look even better, and the other way around. Pick a good quality and stylish looking shirt, and remember that colouring and pattern should match with the pocket square (as in the picture above).

4. Dress watch


Do not check out what time it is in your phone. Get a watch, it does not necessary have to be an expensive one. You will do better with a classy looking inexpensive watch than having a bare wrist on your left hand.

5. Money clip or card holder



If you do not walk around with cash, then go for a card holder. If you live in the United States or another country where you use cash all the time,  buy a money clip and a card holder.

A proper womanizer and gentleman does not go with a fat leather wallet that ruins the shape of the pockets in his pants. Take a lighter and more stylish approach on how to hold on to your money. I guarantee you will get some looks the next time you order a drink at the bare, if you present your bankroll like this.

How to control your sweat

How to control your sweat


As an avid practitioner of hot yoga, I am considerably less queasy than most people when it comes to the topic of sweat. I’m used to being soaked in my own eccrine fluids for 90 minutes every morning and am often the unwitting victim of splash-back from the overenthusiastic guy on the neighbouring mat.

If you’re the kind of person who works out at the gym regularly, chances are you’re sweating about two and a half litres a day (which, of course, is part of the reason us health journos sound like a broken record when it comes to the importance of drinking enough water every day).

While sweating may be unpleasant — or, indeed, outright rancid — we kind of need the stuff. As we all learned back in biology class, sweat is our natural way of cooling the body back down to the desired 98.6 °F (37 °C).

Without this natural balancing system we’d get a nasty case of heatstroke. That isn’t ideal, least of all in the middle of a workout.

Sweating isn’t just the byproduct of hot weather or strenuous exercise, though. There are many more subtle triggers that will cause your body temperature to rise, from digesting your lunch to gulping down one too many double espressos in the morning.

With anywhere between two to four million sweat glands all over your body (most of them are actually on your feet, not under your arms), you’re perspiring pretty much all day.

For the lucky ones among us, this kind of sweating isn’t really problematic or even noticeable and can be handled with a good deodorant.

There is, if course, the more unpredictable and difficult-to-manage phenomenon of stress sweats. As sufferers will know, an important meeting or a high-pressure environment can set of a vicious (and rather pungent) cycle of sweating.

In one of evolution’s crueler tricks, the more stressed you get about the fact that that your palms and pits are soaking, the more you sweat. This can sabotage social, professional or romantic situations, and the solution requires some serious mind control in addition to an industrial-strength deodorant.

Recent research shows that excessive sweating, technically known as axillary hyperhidrosis, may be genetic, but for the vast majority of sufferers the triggers are usually emotionally related.

If you’re in a heightened state of anxiety (on a first date, stuck in traffic on a way to a meeting, etc.) your sympathetic nervous system kicks in, your temperature goes up, and your body tries to find a way to cool itself down as quickly as possible.

For those dealing with serious sweat issues, over-the-counter treatments rarely do any good. Sufferers are advised to think beyond treating the problem and start working with the triggers.

More often than not, your triggers will be completely unique to you. Some will be entirely psychological, so it’s best to find a way to manage those emotionally loaded situations (breathing exercises, meditation, therapy).

Others will be physiological. For example, there may be an imbalance of bacteria of the gut, an overactive thyroid, obesity, and so on. It’s also worth cutting back on the amount of apocrine-gland stimulants in your diet, too, as revving up your sympathetic nervous system with gallons of caffeine isn’t going to help matters (apocrine glands are the larger, smellier glands found in the armpits, genital area and so on; eccrine glands are pretty much everywhere else).

Then there’s the issue of smell. If your sweat can fumigate a room at 50 paces, you may have an increased metabolic rate or perhaps an inability to digest certain foods.

And, contrary to what your pits might indicate, sweat is actually odorless. It’s only once the nutrient-rich sweat from the apocrine glands comes into contact with bacteria breeding on the surface of the skin that your unique blend of man stink becomes apparent.

In terms of solutions, your doc may prescribe you an industrial strength aluminium-chloride antiperspirant, if he/she thinks your case is serious enough.

Some people with really chronic cases of hyperhidrosis have gone for botox jabs under their arms. The injections effectively cut off any communication between the brain and the sweat glands, though this seems a little extreme (and expensive) for the average guy.

The rest of us can get away with a good shower and an antiperspirant or deodorant, two kinds of products that are often confused. The former blocks the secretion of sweat from glands (a relatively safe job, given that your underarms constitute just 1% of your total body area) while the latter simply masks or neutralizes the smell.

Really clever products manage to do both and are strong enough to keep up with everything from a hardcore session at the gym to minor cases of stress sweats.

How to treat shaving nicks and cuts

How to treat shaving nicks and cuts


Shaving can be dangerous work. Still bleary-eyed from sleep, you’re dragging a sharp blade across your face first thing in the morning. No matter how careful you are, a few nicks and cuts are bound to happen now and again.

Your dad (or television) probably taught you that your best option is to stick a tiny piece of toilet paper on the cut to stop the bleeding. But that only leads to scabs or more blood once you remove the paper.

Here are five tried-and-true methods.

1. Styptic Pencil


To use, wet the tip of this spot-treatment stick made with mineral astringents and press it against your cut for a few seconds to stop the bleeding. But be warned: it stings a bit and can leave behind a slight white residue.

2. Alum block


To use, wet the tip of this spot-treatment stick made with mineral astringents and press it against your cut for a few seconds to stop the bleeding. But be warned: it stings a bit and can leave behind a slight white residue.

If you don’t get nicks very often, you likely won’t be buying a special product like those above. But should you get a cut, here are few DIY options you probably have on hand.

3. Eye drops


These constrict blood vessels, which is handy whether you’re relieving red eyes or trying to stop bleeding.

4. Ice cubes


The cold temperature causes tissues to contract, reducing inflammation and pain while enabling a clot to quickly form.

5. Lip balm


The balm’s waxy texture helps seal and soothe the wound, which stops the bleeding and prevents scabbing.

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